Adam Janos

Adam Janos is a New York City-based writer and reporter. In addition to his work for A&E's Real Crime blog, he has reported for The Wall Street Journal and The Budapest Times, amongst others.

What Happens When a Dead Body Is Dissolved in Lye?
A Ret. Bomb Technician Explains Package Bombs and Trip Wires Used in Austin Bombings
How Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Works and Why It's So Controversial
Chloroform: How the 'Knockout Drug' Has Been Used to Murder Over the Last 30 Years
What It Feels Like to Lose a Family Member on Death Row
What Was It Like to Die of Cyanide Poisoning at Jonestown?
Robot Cops Are Coming Soon. How Much Power Will They Have?
What's It Like to Be a Prison Chaplain to Death-Row Inmates?

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