A&E has set the premiere of the two-night documentary event "The Chicano Squad," chronicling a groundbreaking team of bilingual patrol officers plucked from their beats and suddenly promoted to Detectives to form the first all-Latin homicide unit dedicated...
Bringing together seven undercover participants with an interest in improving the jail, the new season of “60 Days In” goes behind bars in the Utah County Jail overseen by Sheriff Mike Smith. The new season of “Inmate to Roommate” introduces a new group of...
WWE on A&E programming continues this spring with Gabriel “Fluffy” Iglesias joining the roundtable in all-new episodes of “WWE Rivals” and an all-new season of “WWE’s Most Wanted Treasures.”
Premiering April 14 at 10PM ET/PT, "Secrets of the Hells Angels" exposes the true cost of eing a member of the world's most infamous biker club. Premiering May 27 at 10PM ET/PT, "Houses of Horror: Secrets of College Greek Life" exposes the dark underbelly...
Executive produced by Mick Jagger and Ahmir "Questlove" Thompson, the special examines Brown’s legacy through exclusive interviews, never-before-seen archival footage and his beloved music catalog.
WWE on A&E steps back into the ring beginning Sunday, February 25 with a knock-out new season of "WWE Rivals" at 8pm ET/PT followed by a new season of "Biography: WWE Legends" at 9pm ET/PT.
Through in-depth interviews with former members and exclusive photos and audio, investigator Matt Browning attempts to shine a light on these groups where powerful men hold sway over thousands through fear and absolute rule.
This fall, beloved celebrity baker, chef and entrepreneur Buddy Valastro is back and joining A&E’s Home.Made.Nation with two new series produced by Six West Media™, an A+E Factual Studios brand.